Friday, October 17, 2008

Selamat Ulang Tahun PCplus, ke-8

Gambar ini dibuat sama kawan saya, Robby. Warna aslinya merah, sesuai dengan logo PCplus. Tapi kenapa di browser komputer saya warnanya jadi biru, ya?

Saking sibuknya, saya hampir melupakan bulan penting untuk tabloid komputer kesayangan saya, PCplus. Ini bulan Oktober. Bulan ini, PCplus berulang tahun. Tahun ini, yang kedelapan.

Sigh, saya masih ingat perasaan sedih saya di hari terakhir duduk di ruangan kantor PCplus. Ada dua hal yang bikin saya sedih. Nggak lagi jadi bagian dari PCplus dan nggak lagi satu tim dengan teman-teman saya. Tapi apa mau dikata, it was for my own good. Di tempat yang baru, saya dapat pelajaran yang lain. Belajar kan esensi dari hidup ya :p

PCplus, you used to be my playground. Selamat ulang tahun ke-8. Kami (yang sudah nggak mengasuhmu lagi) tetap menyayangimu.

I can't remember when you weren't there
When I didn't care for anyone but you

I swear we've been through everything there is
Can't imagine anything we've missed

Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do

Through the year, you've never let me down
You turned my life around,
The sweetest days I've found
I've found with you
Through the years, I've never been afraid

I've loved the life we've made

And I'm so glad I've stayed, right here with you

Through the years

I can't remember what I used to do

Who I trusted whom, I listened to before

I swear you've taught me everything I know
Can't imagine needing someone so

But through the years it seems to me
I need you more and more

Through the years, through all the good and bad
I knew how much we had,
I've always been so glad
to be with you
Through the years, it's better everyday
You've kissed my tears away

As long as it's okay, I'll stay with you
Through the years...

[Through the Years, Kenny Rogers]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sedih ya.. bukan sedih dengan udah banyak di antara kita yang udah lebih baik dan memang layak untuk itu. Tapi sedih ngliat bekas kandang kita ituh..